
EV 101: What You Need To Know About EV Batteries 

Let’s Dive Into The Details Of EV Batteries About The Basic To The Factors That Influences How Long They Last

5 min read

By Michael Phoon • May 20, 2024

EV Batteries (Image: U.S. Department of Energy)

As the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rise, understanding their longevity and maintenance becomes crucial for EV owners. With this in mind, let’s explore the factors influencing EV battery life, how to maintain them, and what the future holds for EV batteries in the automotive landscape. 

The Basics of EV Batteries

A majority of modern EVs contain lithium-ion batteries because of their high energy density compared to other battery types such as lead-acid or nickel-metal hydride batteries. As a result, lithium-ion batteries can store more energy in a smaller space, which makes them ideal for powering EVs. 

Another benefit of using lithium-ion batteries for EVs is that they can self-discharge at a lower rate than other battery types for EVs, losing only 1% to 2% per month. In the current EV market, lithium-ion remains the standard in all EV battery packs due to established manufacturing infrastructure and extensive understanding of the battery technology. In terms of near future EV battery technology, automakers have been researching to engineer cobalt out of their batteries due to the environmental impacts of extracting the material, and solid-state batteries will further change the EV supply chain when they arrive. 

How Long Do EV Batteries Last?

Every established automaker provides warranties on their EV batteries. Most of them span around eight years or the equivalent of 100,000 miles. Notably, California has extended its EV battery warranties to 10 years or 150,000 miles. In detail, these warranties cover battery failure and capacity degradation with other minor EV battery aspects in mind. 

Interestingly, studies have indicated that EV batteries can last well beyond their scheduled and projected warranty periods. The U.S. Department of Energy reported that modern EV batteries can last 12 to 15 years in moderate climates, and eight to 12 years in extreme conditions. As a result, temperature can play a part in an EV battery’s lifespan. 

Factors Influencing Battery Longevity

When it comes to factors that can influence an EV’s battery, there are several we need to keep in mind when looking out for our EV. The first main factor is the temperature at which your EV is being driven as well as stored. Both hot and cold temperatures can influence your EV’s battery performance and longevity. In terms of cold weather, your EV can result in a reduction of range as well as a slow down in charging speed. As for heat, your EV can result in capacity loss. Although, research and studies have been advancing EV battery technology such as battery management systems (BMS) in modern EVs to mitigate these temperature effects by regulating battery temperature. 

Another factor to keep in mind is the frequent use of DC fast charging in your EV. Overusing DC fast charging in an atypical way can accelerate battery degradation compared to Level 2 home charging as there is a clear difference in charging power and speed that needs to be kept in mind. Generally, it is recommended to charge your EV’s battery to around 80% for daily use and avoid letting the charge drop below 10% to prolong battery life. 

One more factor that you should keep in mind about your EV’s battery health is the characteristic of aggressive driving. Driving recklessly should altogether be avoided and not be encouraged while sharing the road with other vehicles. Moreover, aggressive driving, characterized by rapid acceleration and heavy braking, can strongly strain the battery and reduce its lifespan. With this in mind, smooth and steady driving with safety as a focus is the best way to conserve your EV’s battery health. 

Now, when it comes to maintaining your EV’s battery health, automakers have developed complex BMS to manage charging, discharging, and temperature regulation. These systems can ensure that the EV batteries operate within optimal parameters while extending their lifespan. 

One tip that is useful when owning an EV while keeping its battery lifespan in mind is, that parking your EV in a garage can protect it from extreme temperatures compared to parking outside. Also, leaving the vehicle plugged in can allow the BMS to maintain an optimal temperature for battery health during extreme temperatures. 

Replacement and Recycling

Despite the initial cost of EV batteries being high in price, EV batteries are anticipated to reduce over time. As of now, EV battery replacement can cost up to $20,000, depending on the EV model. Yet, with the industry scales and technological improvements, these costs are expected to be strongly cut down in price. 

Importantly, even after EV batteries are deemed no longer usable, they can still be used in other ways. Many now have placed EV batteries in secondary roles including energy storage for homes or backup power systems. Others buy back old batteries to repurpose them for various sustainable projects. With these initiatives in mind, recycling EV batteries is still being enacted for the benefit of sustainability. 

Safety Considerations

EV batteries are made to meet stringent safety standards that will always keep its drivers and passengers’ safety in mind. These safety standards include protection against overcharging, extreme temperatures, short circuits, and fires. To prevent these situations, EV batteries are encased in sealed shells and equipped with high-voltage insulation according to the U.S. Department of Energy

Significantly, the misconception that EVs are more likely to cause fires and can be hazardous is false. EV technology has been developed toward a point that makes EV fires less likely to occur in this modern day and age. Instead, a study found that per 100,000 vehicles sold, only 25 EVs were reported fires, whereas purely combustion-powered cars took 1530 reported and 3475 fires for hybrids. It is important to note that vehicle safety for drivers and passengers is paramount and that EVs are certainly ones that will keep your safety in mind regarding their batteries. 

The Future of EV Batteries

The future seems bright for EV batteries in the EV market, there are reported continuous improvements in its technology, and innovations of solid-state batteries have promised even higher energy densities and improved safety. In addition, automakers are always on the rise to improve their EV model’s battery state to one-up their rivals in the EV industry, which is a win-win for us all. 

By understanding all these details and factors that influence EV battery life and adopting best practices for maintenance, you can ensure that your EVs will remain efficient and reliable for many years to come. As EV technology advances, EVs and their batteries will become even more of an attractive option for all worldwide.

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