
EV 101: A Deep Dive Into EV Battery Types

Let’s Dive Into The Types Of EV Batteries And Their Practicalities Including Their Main Advantages And Current Limitations

5 min read

By Michael Phoon • August 31, 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of electric vehicles (EVs), one component stands out as the heart of the revolution: the battery. As we race towards electric mobility, understanding the different types of EV batteries becomes crucial for all. Let’s plug into the world of EV batteries and explore the technologies powering the transition to electrification.

The Basics: How EV Batteries Work

At their core, EV batteries function similarly to the batteries in your remote control, but on a much grander scale. Each battery pack consists of hundreds or thousands of individual cells, grouped into modules. These cells contain an anode (negative electrode), a cathode (positive electrode), and an electrolyte. When the battery discharges, ions move from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte, while electrons flow through an external circuit, powering the EV.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Currently, lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are the most common type found in EVs. Their dominance in the market is no coincidence; Li-ion batteries have earned their crown through a combination of impressive characteristics that make them ideal for EV applications.

The high energy density of Li-ion batteries is perhaps their most praised feature. This characteristic allows EVs to store large amounts of energy in a relatively small and lightweight package, directly translating to increased driving range. In addition, Li-ion batteries exhibit good high-temperature performance, ensuring reliable operation across a wide range of climatic conditions. This is particularly important in regions with hot climates, where battery performance can significantly impact vehicle reliability.

Another key advantage of Li-ion batteries is their long cycle life. Modern Li-ion batteries can withstand thousands of charge-discharge cycles, often outlasting the EV itself. This longevity not only provides peace of mind to EV owners but also contributes to the overall sustainability of EVs by reducing the need for battery replacements over the EV’s lifetime.

Li-ion batteries also hold significant potential in this area. As recycling technologies advance, the valuable materials within these batteries – including lithium, cobalt, and nickel – can be recovered and reused.

It is no surprise, then, that major automakers like Tesla, Nissan, and Chevrolet have heavily invested in Li-ion technology for their electric vehicle lineups. Tesla, in particular, has pushed the boundaries of Li-ion battery technology, continuously improving energy density and performance in their vehicles.

However, Li-ion batteries are not without their drawbacks. The production costs remain high, contributing to the overall price of EVs and posing a challenge to widespread adoption. Nevertheless, it is the popular and common type of EV batteries that loom in the EV industry.

Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries

While lithium-ion batteries dominate the EV market, Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries continue to play a significant role, particularly in hybrid vehicles. NiMH batteries offer a compelling package of features that make them well-suited for the specific demands of hybrid powertrains.

One of the standout characteristics of NiMH batteries is their good cycle life. They can withstand numerous charge-discharge cycles, which is particularly important in hybrid vehicles where the battery is constantly cycling as the vehicle switches between electric and gasoline power.

The NiMH batteries are a solid choice for automakers looking to introduce electrification to their lineups without yet associating their lineup with lithium-ion technology.

Cost is also a factor in the continued use of NiMH batteries. While they may not match the energy density of lithium-ion batteries, NiMH batteries are generally less expensive to produce. However, NiMH batteries do have their limitations. Their lower energy density compared to lithium-ion batteries means they are less suitable for full EVs where maximizing range is a priority. In addition, NiMH batteries suffer from relatively high self-discharge rates, meaning they lose charge more quickly when not in use.

Lead-Acid Batteries

With lead-acid batteries, they may seem like a relic of the past in the world of advanced EV technology, but they continue to play a crucial role in modern EVs. Their use, however, has shifted from a main power source to a reliable auxiliary player.

The primary advantages of lead-acid batteries lie in their low cost, high reliability, and ease of manufacturing and recycling. These attributes make them ideal for specific applications within EVs, particularly for powering auxiliary systems. In many EVs, you will find lead-acid batteries handling tasks such as powering the EV’s 12V electrical system, which may include power steering, brake boosters, and various safety features.

The use of lead-acid batteries for these auxiliary functions allows automakers to optimize the more expensive and energy-dense lithium-ion batteries for the primary task of propelling the EV. This division of labor helps manage costs while ensuring all EV systems have appropriate power sources.

There are hurdles of lead-acid batteries to face as they are well-known and account for their diminished role in modern EVs. Their low energy density means they store relatively little energy for their size and weight, making them impractical as a main power source for EVs where range and weight are critical factors. Additionally, lead-acid batteries perform poorly in cold weather, which can be a significant drawback in many climates.

Despite these limitations, the recycling infrastructure for lead-acid batteries is well-established, contributing to their ongoing use. The ability to easily and efficiently recycle these batteries aligns well with the broader sustainability goals of the EV industry.

Solid-State Batteries

As we look to the horizon of EV battery technology, solid-state batteries emerge as one of the most promising developments. Unlike conventional lithium-ion batteries that use liquid or gel electrolytes, solid-state batteries, as the name suggests, use solid electrolytes. This fundamental change in battery architecture could revolutionize EV performance and safety.

The potential advantages of solid-state batteries are noteworthy. They promise higher energy density, which could translate to EVs with much longer ranges or smaller, lighter batteries that deliver the same range as current models. This increased energy density could be a game-changer, potentially pushing EV ranges beyond 500 miles on a single charge and finally putting “range anxiety” to rest.

Safety is another area where solid-state batteries could excel. The use of solid electrolytes virtually eliminates the risk of thermal runaway, the primary safety concern with current lithium-ion batteries. This enhanced safety profile could not only improve consumer confidence but also open up new design possibilities for manufacturers.

Faster charging times are yet another tantalizing prospect of solid-state technology. Some projections suggest that solid-state batteries could be charged in a matter of minutes, making long-distance EV travel as convenient as refueling a gasoline-powered vehicle.

The potential of solid-state batteries has not gone unnoticed by the automotive industry. Companies like Toyota and BMW are investing heavily in this technology, seeing it as key to the next generation of EVs. Toyota, in particular, has announced plans to unveil a solid-state battery prototype EV in the near future.

Although current issues include difficulties in manufacturing at scale, concerns about long-term stability and durability, and high production costs. Nonetheless, the EV industry believes that solid-state batteries could become commercially viable within the next decade.

The Road For EV Batteries

As EV technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see further advancements in battery technology with researchers exploring new materials and designs to increase energy density, improve safety, and reduce costs.

One exciting development is the use of silicon anodes, which could significantly increase energy storage capacity. Furthermore, efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of battery production are underway, with some solid-state technologies promising to cut the carbon footprint by nearly 40%.

The future of EV batteries is bright, with the potential for driving ranges exceeding 500 miles, faster charging times, and improved sustainability. As these technologies mature, we can look forward to EVS that are not only better for the environment but also more practical and affordable for EV owners worldwide.

As we have seen, each type of battery has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice often depends on the specific needs of the EV and its intended use. One thing is certain: as battery technology advances, it will play a crucial role in shaping the automotive landscape.

Want to learn more about EV? Thinking of buying an EV? Head over to EV.com and discover more.

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