
Tesla Discontinues Steam Gaming System Support in New Model S and Model X

The Steam Gaming System Was First Introduced Back In December 2022

3 min read

By Michael Phoon • May 17, 2024

Tesla’s Steam gaming system (Image: Tesla)

Tesla has announced that its new Model S and Model X electric vehicles (EVs) will no longer support the Steam gaming system. The Steam gaming system was first introduced back in December 2022, partly as an annual Holiday update. 

Tesla’s Steam gaming system (Image: Tesla)

The Steam gaming system with its vast library of games allowed Tesla owners and passengers to play its games directly in the Tesla EV from its infotainment system. In addition to this feature, it elevated the infotainment system experience in Tesla EVs which makes it stand out in the EV market. 

Tesla’s message on its Steam gaming system removal (Image: Tesla)

Yet, Tesla informed new owners of the Model X and Model S that it will no longer support the gaming system through a message sent to them stating, “Tesla is updating the gaming computer in your Model X and your vehicle is no longer capable of playing Steam games. All other entertainment and app functionalities are unaffected.”

Tesla’s Steam gaming system (Image: Tesla)

The removal of the Steam gaming system seems to only apply to Tesla’s Model X and Model S, as there is no indication that other Tesla models have been targeted so far. Furthermore, there are also no signs that the company will remove the Steam gaming system from current Tesla owners’  EVs through any software updates. 

Tesla’s Steam gaming system (Image: Tesla)

Even though the initial promotional selling point of Tesla models is the Steam gaming system, its removal could reduce its appeal. Originally, Tesla’s Model S and Model X models, equipped with AMD Ryzen processors since their 2021 refresh, were initially designed to handle 3D games. The infotainment systems in these vehicles were later upgraded with increased memory and storage to support Steam games, which require a minimum of 16 GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage. Nevertheless, these features will no longer be a part of the new EVs of the Model S and Model X.

While Tesla fans have previously celebrated the integration of the Steam gaming system as a significant innovation, the company’s decision to remove it could reflect a strategic pivot towards other goals. As this change may underwhelm some new Tesla owners of the Model X and Model S, the feedback on the overall entertainment experience in these EVs will be reflected to Tesla shortly. 

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